A Note to Our Readers

Black Rose struggles into print again! We--like much of libertarian press, alas!--could recite a long litany of financial woes that have caused our lateness, but they are all too familiar-and all too boring. These are difficult times not only for us, but for many others, and we did not feel justified in beginning what could be a never-ending series of appeals for financial help from our readers and supporters, who have been more than generous, in order to keep on publishing. BR has taken a pause to consider ways of breaking out of this constraint. We, as anarchists who want to do away with the power of money and eventually its existence, did not want to become obsessed or overcome by the lack of money.

Well, in discussing the problem among ourselves, we have come up with a solution that is quite unremarkable in its originality, but marvelous in its simplicity and overwhelming in its logic: we have decided that when we lack sufficient monies to publish, we will go to work for it as a group. (Presently we paint houses, exteriors and interiors. Referrals of any possible work by our readers would be greatly appreciated. Greater Boston area only.) Since BR has no large or unmanageable debt, we think that supplementing money received through subscriptions by our mutual work should give us enough cash on hand to pay immediate bills, allow us to re-establish our regular publication schedule, and deal with other equally pressing magazine problems-better distribution, increased subscriptions, better contacts with our readers and other groups, expansion of the editorial group.

BR's existence depends ultimately on its being read. We think we can now manage to publish it regularly; we can only do our best to make it worth reading; we hope there will be enough readers who find that it is. We welcome your advice, your criticism, your support.

The Black Rose Collective