0 A.D. Audio Development I signed on as Sound Designer for this Historical RTS currently in production at WildFireGames called 0 A.D. ("zero ay-dee") in March of 2005.
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Friday, April 07, 2006
GDC 2006
Carsten Rojahn (aka carsten) and I (aka LostChocolateLab), recently arrived back safe and soundly from the Game Developers Conferance in San Jose, California. We had a great time, and are quite excited to put all of what we learned into practice. Carsten also won a prize for Sound Design in the G.A.N.G. Student/Apprentice Competition! Click here and here to read more, and then download this to hear his submission.

For those who are interested in attending a Game Developers Conference in the future you can read my Conclusions from GDC 2006.

You can also see a little clip of a demo that was put on Carsten's demo reel that he took with him to the show. This short clip is video captured in-game from 0 A.D. (with a special black terrain as the background) and it features two hero units in combat. There is quite a bit of teamwork involved in what was needed to make this video happen, and I won't even try to give names... BUT, the sound work was done by Carsten, and the music by musician Boris Hansen.

View the movie by clicking HERE.


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